BiscuitMill Botanical

Bruce & Bronwyn approaced us to design their additional stationery for their wedding. They wanted to incorporate a look that would fit the style of the Old Biscuit Mill, where the Venue, Holden Manz Estate, lends itsself to this look & feel. Bronni also loved the idea of a vintage botanical feel, and we suggested [...]

Canvas Wedding Invitation

Cream Wedding invitaion

Kara-Lee & Gary’s Wedding Invitation is a Luxurious Canvas paper with a slate print. The Monogram was custom designed and translated on the rest of the stationery!

Jason & Inga’s Wedding Stationery

Front Cover for Order of Service

Inga & Jason Approached us to design their Wedding Invitation as well as additional stationery for their Wedding- We created a customized monogram using their initials, as well as cameo illustrations of their silhouettes. The Colours were Navy and Pink with Creams and Nudes, Using Modern Fonts and Vellum Papers. Menus were to be hung [...]



Menu” onclick=”return TrackClick(‘Menu’,’..%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2010%2F10%2F73.jpg’)”s areĀ  key interfaces that display your brand, monogram or look & feel of your event or institution.We design andĀ  conceptualize ways to display menu’s in a new and innovative manner. We also love working with perspex, balsam wood, and other interesting textures to create a surprising look!